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                              Dr. Li Yuanman (李元满) 深圳大学

    李元满,博士,电子与信息工程学院助理教授,特聘副研究员,IEEE会员。于2012年获重庆大学软件工程专业学士。毕业后以全额奖学金推免到澳门大学,并分别于2015年和2018年获得澳门大学软件工程硕士和计算机科学博士学位。2018年9月至2019年8月于澳门大学智慧城市物联网国家重点实验室从事博士后研究。2019年9月至今就职于深圳大学电子与信息工程学院。长期从事计算机视觉,子空间学习,信息安全,图像增强等领域的科研和教学工作。获评深圳市"孔雀计划"海外高层次人才C类。在IEEE T-NNLS, IEEE T-NSE, IEEE T-IFS, IEEE T-CSVT, IEEE T-SC, IEEE CVPR, ICC, AAAI 等国际权威期刊和会议上发表文章20余篇。担任IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security等多个期刊的审稿人。




Award and Honor:







2021年9月份入学 计算机科学,软件工程,·电子信息,·数学·等方向研究生若干名

博士后 (Postdoc. Position)若干名(税后32W RMB起)


New!!! One paper is accepted in ACMMM 2021

New!!! One paper is accepted in TNSE 2021

New!!! One paper is accepted in TNNLS 2021

New!!! two papers are accepted in AAAI 2021

New!!! one paper is accepted in TCSVT 2021

New!!! One paper is accepted in ICC 2021


Professional Activities and Affiliations

Member of IEEE (2018-至今)

中国图像图形学会(CSIG)-数字媒体取证与安全专业委员会委员 (2020.11-至今)

Funding (Principal Investigator)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2021.01-2022.12, 300,000RMB.

lOverseas High-Caliber Personnel Fund, 2021.01-2022.12, 2,700,000 RMB.

Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong, 2020.01-2021.12, 100,000 RMB.

lNatural Science Foundation of Shenzhen University, 2020.01-2022.12, 200,000 RMB.

Selected Publications

(*Corresponding author)

[1]. New!!! Yuanman Li, R. Q. Liang, W. Wei, W. Wang, J. T. Zhou and X. Li, “Temporal Pyramid Network with Spatial-Temporal Attention for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (T-NSE), in press, 2021.

[2]. New!!! Yuanman Li, J. T. Zhou, J. Y. Tian, X. W. Zheng and Y. Y .Tang, “Weighted Error Entropy based Information Theoretic Learning for Robust Subspace Representation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (T-NNLS), in press, 2021.

[3]. New!!! J. X. You (Student), Yuanman Li*, J. T. Zhou, Z. Y. Hua, W. W. Sun and X. Li, “A Transformer based Approach for Image Manipulation Chain Detection”, ACM Multimedia (ACM MM-21), 2021.

[4]. New!!! R. Q. Liang (Student), Yuanman Li *, X. Li, Y. Tang, J. T. Zhou and W. B. Zou, “Temporal Pyramid Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Multi-Supervision”, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021.

[5]. New!!! J. Y. Tian, J. T. Zhou, Yuanman Li and J. Duan, “Detecting Adversarial Examples from Sensitivity Inconsistency of Spatial-Transform Domain”, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021.

[6]. New!!! W. W. Sun, J. T. Zhou, Yuanman Li, M. Cheung and J. She, “Robust High Capacity Watermarking over Online Social Network Shared Images”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-SCVT), in press, 2021.

[7]. New!!! Z. Y. Hua, K. Y. Zhang, Yuanman Li and Y. C. Zhou, “Visually secure image encryption using adaptive-thresholding sparsification and parallel compressive sensing”, Signal Processing, in press, 2021.

[8]. New!!! Z. Y. Hua, Z. H. Zhu, Y. Y. Chen and Yuanman Li, “Color image encryption using orthogonal Latin squares and a new 2D chaotic system”, Nonlinear Dynamics, in press, 2021.

[9]. New!!! W. Wang, B. X. Lu, Yuanman Li, W. Wei, J. Q. Li, S. Mumtaz and M. Guizani, “Task Scheduling Game Optimization for Mobile Edge Computing”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), in press, 2021.


[1].J. Duan, J. T. Zhou and Yuanman Li, “Privacy-Preserving distributed deep learning based on secret sharing”, Information Science (Inf. Sci.), vol. 527, pp. 108-127, 2020.

[2].J. Duan, J. T. Zhou and Yuanman Li, “Secure and Verifiable Outsourcing of Large-scale Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)”, accepted in IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (T-SC), 2019.

[3].Yuanman Li and J. T. Zhou, “Fast and Effective Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection via Hierarchical Feature Point Matching”, IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security (T-IFS), vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1307-1322, 2019.

[4].Yuanman Li, J. T. Zhou, and A. Cheng, “SIFT Keypoint Removal via Directed Graph Construction for Color Images”, IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security (T-IFS), vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2971-2985, 2017.

[5].Yuanman Li, J. T. Zhou, A. Cheng, X. M. Liu, and Y. Y. Tang, “SIFT Keypoint Removal and Injection via Convex Relaxation”, IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security (T-IFS), vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1722-1735, 2016.

[6].Yuanman Li and J. T. Zhou, “Anti-Forensics of Lossy Predictive Image Compression”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 2219-2223, 2015.


[1].Yuanman Li, J. T. Zhou, X. W. Zheng, J. Y. Tian and Y. Y. Tang, “Robust Subspace Clustering with Independent and Piecewise Identically Distributed (i.p.i.d.) Noise Modeling”, IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. and Pattern Recogn. (CVPR), 2019 (Oral, AR 5.6%).

[2].H.W.WU, J.T. Zhou, Yuanman Li, “Image Reconstruction from Local Descriptors Using Conditional Adversarial Networks“, In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC-2019), 2019. (Oral)

[3].Yuanman Li and J. T. Zhou, “Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Hierarchical Feature Point Matching”, In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC-2016), 2016. (Oral)

[4].J. Duan, J. T. Zhou, and Yuanman Li, “Secure and Verifiable Outsourcing of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)”, In Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec-16), 2016.

[5].Y. Y. Li, J. T. Zhou, and Yuanman Li, “Ciphertext-Only Attack on an Image Homomorphic Encryption Scheme with Small Ciphertext Expansion”, In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia (ACM MM-15), 2015.

[6].A. Cheng, Yuanman Li, and J. T. Zhou, “SIFT Keypoint Removal via Convex Relaxation”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME-15), 2015 (Oral, AR 15%).

[7].Y. Y. Li, J. T. Zhou, Yuanman Li, and O. C. Au, “Reducing the Ciphertext Expansion in Image Homomorphic Encryption via Linear Interpolation Technique”, In Proceedings of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP-15), 2015.

[8].Yuanman Li and J. T. Zhou, “Sparsity-driven reconstruction of L]-decoded images”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-14), 2014.

[9].L. Dong, J. Wang, Yuanman Li and Y. Y. Tang,“Sector projection fourier descriptor for Chinese character recognition”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF), 2013.



E-mail: yuanmanli@szu.edu.cn




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