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研究兴趣:智能计算(进化优化算法, 群智协同算法), 计算机视觉, 机器学习, 数据挖掘

Intelligent Computation (Evolutionary Computation, Swarm Intelligence), Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Data Mining



1. 新能源汽车充电/换电问题与群智协同算法(EV Charging and Swapping Problem & Swarm Intelligent Algorithms)

2. 生物医学图像问题与计算机视觉(Biomedical Image Processing and Computer Vision)

3. 知识图谱与数据挖掘(Knowledge Graph and Data Mining)


· H.Manoharan, G.K.H.Pang, H.Wu, "Visualization of MRI Datasets for Anatomical Brain Segmentation by Pixel-level Analysis," The 10th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication (IEEE IEMCON 2019), Accepted, (Oral Presentation), Best Paper Award

· H.Wu, G.K.H.Pang, K.L.Choy, and H.Y.Lam, "Dynamic Resource Allocation for Parking Lot Electric Vehicle Recharging using Heuristics Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 71, pp. 538-552, Oct. 2018. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2018.07.008

· H.Wu, G.K.H.Pang, K.L.Choy, and H.Y.Lam, "An Optimization Model for Electric Vehicle Battery Charging at a Battery Swapping Station," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67(2), pp. 881-895, Feb.2018. DOI: doi.org/10.1109/TVT.2017.2758404

· H.Wu, G.K.H.Pang, K.L.Choy, and H.Y.Lam, "A Charging-Scheme Decision Model for EV Battery Swapping Station Using Varied Population Evolutionary Algorithms," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 61, pp. 905-920, Dec. 2017. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2017.09.008

· E.W.Y.Kwong, H.Wu*, and G.K.H.Pang, "A prediction model of blood pressure for telemedicine," Health Informatics Journal, Aug. 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1460458216663025. * Corresponding Author

· H.Wu, G.K.H.Pang, K.L.Choy, and H.Y.Lam, "A scheduling and control system for electric vehicle charging at parking lot," The 2017 Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2017), 17-20 Dec. 2017. (Oral Presentation). DOI: 10.1109/ASCC.2017.8287095

· T. H.Wu, G.K.H.Pang, K.L.Choy, and H.Y.Lam,"An Optimization Model for a Battery Swapping Station in Hong Kong," Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, 2015 IEEE, Jun. 2015.

· T.H.Wu, E.W.Y.Kwong, and G.K.H.Pang, "Bio-medical Application on Predicting Systolic Blood Pressure Using Neural Networks," Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService), 2015 IEEE First International Conference on, Apr. 2015 ( Oral Presentation)

· T.H.Wu, G.K.H.Pang, and E.W.Y.Kwong, "Predicting Systolic Blood Pressure Using Machine Learning," Information and Automation for Sustainability, 7th International Conference on, Dec. 2014 (Oral Presentation)

· V.Chan, T.H.Wu, and G.K.H.Pang. "Design intelligence of web application for Internet direct consumer-to-consumer trading," Information Networking (ICOIN), 2015 International Conference on, Jan. 2015.

· V.Chan, T.H.Wu, and G.K.H.Pang. "Decision Support and Data Mining for Direct Consumer-to-consumer Trading," Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2014 9th International Conference for, Dec. 2014. (Oral Presentation)


- 南山区“领航人才” 2019年 - 2023年

- 深圳市海外高层次C类人才 2019年 - 2023年





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